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How long does chicken last in the refrigerator?
Chicken is a staple food in many households.

But, this tasty source for protein is extremely susceptible to getting contaminated. It is therefore important to store, prepare and cook it. Otherwise, it could cause foodborne illness.

The convenience of keeping chickens in your refrigerator makes it simple however, many people are concerned how safe chicken is in the fridge.

This article will demonstrate how long chicken stays in your fridge.

How much time does chicken last in the fridge?

According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), raw chicken can be kept in your refrigerator for about 2 to 3 days. The same applies to the raw turkey as well as other poultry.

The cooked chikem can be stored in the refrigerator up 3-4 weeks.

The storage of chicken in the refrigerator can slow the growth of bacteria. Bacteria grow more slowly when temperatures are lower than forty degrees F (4degreeC).

Raw chicken must be stored in a container that is sealed to keep its juices from getting into other food items. Keep cooked chicken refrigerated in an airtight bag.

It is possible to store chicken in the freezer in case it is needed for longer than couple of weeks.

Chicken pieces that are raw can be stored in the freezer for up to 9 months, and a complete chicken can be frozen for up to one year. The freezer can hold cooked chicken for up to six months.


The raw chicken can be stored in the refrigerator for up to one week while chicken that has been cooked will last for anywhere from 3-4 days.

What can you tell whether your chicken has gone bad

You can risk chicken going bad if it is left in the refrigerator for more than a few weeks.

These are some of the ways to tell if your chicken has gone bad.

It's past the "best by" date. Chicken -- cooked and raw that has passed its "best when used before/before" date is more likely to be bad.

Color change. Cooked and raw chicken that has started to turn gray-green is the sign of a bad batch. Spots of gray-to-green mold indicate bacterial growth.

What does it smell like? When chicken is cooked, both raw and cooked, it releases an acidic scent. The smell may turn like ammonia as the chicken gets bad. This smell can be hard to detect if the chicken is marinated in sauces, herbs or spices.

Texture. How long does cooked chicken last with a slimy texture is not good. Rinsing chicken does not eliminate bacteria. How long does cooked chicken last in the fridge -contamination is possible if the bacteria are transferred from the poultry to other foods or tools.

Throw away any chicken that you find in your fridge , if you think it is bad.


It's easy to know if your chicken has gone bad by its color, its sour or acidic taste or its slimy appearance.

The risks of eating spoiled poultry

Consuming spoiled chicken could cause food poisoning or foodborne illness.

The chance of food poisoning in chicken is due to the possibility that it's been infected with bacteria like Campylobacter, Salmonella and many others.

These bacteria are eliminated when you cook your chicken fresh in a proper manner.

But, it's not recommended to cook or eat spoiled poultry. Although re-heating or cooking can kill bacteria on the surface, it won't eliminate some of the toxins created by bacteria, which can give you food poisoning if you consume the contaminated chicken.

Food poisoning can cause pain and even death.

In rare cases, food poisoning may require hospitalization and even lead to death.

Do not eat How long does cooked chicken last in the fridge that appears to be stale. It's best to throw away any chicken that you think has become rotten.


Even if the chicken was cooked properly Food poisoning can occur after eating it.

The bottom line

Chicken that is raw can be stored in the fridge up to one week, while chicken that has been cooked will last between 3 and 4 days.

To determine if the chicken is damaged, check the "best used by" date. Then look for signs of spoilage, such as changes to smell and texture.

It is best to avoid eating rotten chicken.

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